The best coffee solutions to boost your business

Book a free 14-day test with no obligation!

Whether you’re a start-up or large company, with our coffee machines, you, your employees and your customers can enjoy world-class barista coffee.

The CUP&CINO concept includes freshly roasted premium coffee beans, which we accompany from harvesting, to roasting, to the cup. And, of course, we offer exclusive technical and after-sales support. Let us delight your taste buds!

Fully automatic coffee machine

50 – 300+ cups / day

The CUP&CINO hybrid portafilters ​

50 – 400+ cups / day

Which coffee machine do I need?

Benefit from our innovative edge!

The patented milk solution from the BaristaONE Hybrid series wins the coveted ‘Best New Product Award’ at the Speciality Coffee Expo in Portland for the third time in just a few months. Every year, the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) honours the most innovative products in the industry.

What CUP&CINO customers say:

Subtitles available

This is what success tastes like! The holistic CUP&CINO Barista coffee concept

You can look forward to:

  • Modern coffee machines for rent for any business
  • Fresh roasted premium coffee beans
  • Fast service 
  • After-sales support

Subtitles available

The right machine for every business







Gas stations



Get in touch today! We’re happy to give you expert advice

CUP&CINO barista-quality specialty coffees

with any machine - by any operator

Expand your range of drinks to keep customers happy. to boost your business.

We offer you and your customers much more than exquisite coffee. With our holistic barista coffee concept, you’ll get:

  • All specialty coffees
  • TEAaMO teas
  • Latte Pralino drinking chocolate
  • Seasonal trending drinks
  • All drinks to-go
CUP&CINO - perfekte Crema Espresso

The perfect crema

All CUP&CINO coffee machines with automatic grind settings deliver the perfect crema every single time.

  • Exclusive specialty coffees to increase your sales
  • Barista-quality drinks to-go

Premium milk foam at the touch of a button

  • Make hot or cold milk foam
  • Use vegan milk alternatives
  • Choose various consistencies
  • Create latte art
Try our drinks with a free 2-week trial!

Global brands trust CUP&CINO

CUP&CINO is the only coffee roaster on the market that goes above and beyond to ensure you have the best coffee experience. We check and control every step – from the harvesting to the cup. When everything comes from a single source, the results are first-class. We aim to guarantee the quality of our products, as well as to ensure the success of your company or business.

Telephone consultation on +49 5257 9898-0,


Mon-Fri, 8:00am – 5:00pm.


You can order your accessories conveniently from our online shop.

Due to current developments, it’s still unclear which trade shows can take place over the next few months. We’ll be sure to keep you posted!

Rent free test on your site for 14 days
We will contact you without obligation with info about the 14-day test. Together we will find the right machine for you.

Fully automatic machine from 6,63 € rent/day

CUP&CINO - BaristaONE Solo CUP&CINO - Getränkevielfalt mit Gastronomie Kaffeemaschinen

Hybrid-Portafilter from 6,63 € rent/day

Contact us
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Individual consulting!
We contact you without obligation
  • Fields with a* are mandatory fields.

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