Fully automatic machine

rent from 6,63 € / day

  • From 50 to 300+ cups a day
  • Uncomplicated and fast at the touch of a button
  • Also for self-service
  • Ideal for offices, stores, petrol stations, fitness studios, restaurants, etc.

Hybrid portafilters

rent from 6,63 € / day

  • From 50 to 400+ cups a day
  • For that special handmade barista feeling
  • Easy to operate by anyone
  • Ideal for bakeries, restaurants, cafés, coffee shops, bars, golf clubs, etc.

Coffee machines for rent

For your barista coffee in restaurants and offices.

Whether office or catering – our coffee machines offer a simple solution for companies in any industry. Take advantage of the rental option for businesses and companies of all kinds and enjoy perfect barista quality in your company too!

Which coffee machine do I need?

More than just a coffee machine

Increase sales and employee satisfaction with our holistic coffee solution!
CUP&CINO - Barista Konzept Kaffee

Premium coffee beans

Freshly roasted coffee, delivered to you no longer than 10 days after roasting – quality that will delight your customers.


Fast technical service

Our concept includes a fast technical service – employees throughout Germany take care of your inquiries.

CUP&CINO - Zubehör für Kaffeemaschinen

Carefree complete package

You don’t just get a coffee machine, you also get all the accessories you need in the right design. Tableware, displays, price labels, and much more.

Marketing support

Individual advertising and personal marketing support for increasing sales and maximum earnings.

How your coffee sells itself

We show your coffee machine in the best light

Benefit from a uniform look

With matching tableware, price labels and other sales support materials, we offer you a coffee experience that will delight you, your employees and your guests!

Individual furniture modules

  • The right module for all coffee machines
  • Various colors and designs
  • Optionally with digital signage
CUP&CINO - Möbelmodule für Kaffeemaschinen
Get in touch today! We’re happy to give you expert advice

The following overview offers the opportunity to compare the commercial use of our coffee machines by companies and businesses from a wide range of sectors – depending on the business for which you would like to rent a machine.

Fully automatic or hybrid portafilter machine

Would you like to rent one of our coffee machines for commercial use? Then you can use the overview of the differences to determine which coffee machine is best suited for you.

Our fully automatic coffee machine is ideal for offices, stores, petrol stations, fitness studios, etc., as it has the advantage of being operated quickly at the touch of a button and is therefore also perfect for self-service. The machine is suitable for consumption of 50 cups or more per day.

Our hybrid portafilters for a consumption of 50 cups or more per day, on the other hand, are particularly suitable for rental to the catering trade, especially bakeries, cafés, coffee shops, bars, etc., as they create that special barista handmade feeling and are easy to operate.

Compare the different models of our fully automatic coffee machine and our hybrid portafilter machines below and find out which model best suits your business!


Take advantage of our rental offers to save your business money every month. Rent our fully automatic machine from 6.63 euros per day; you can enjoy the full barista experience of our portafilter machines from 6.63 euros per day.

Our service for you

For questions or further information on renting our coffee machines, please use our online service or call us for individual advice. Compare different models for your business with our machine configurator before renting. We will also be happy to send you further information for your business by e-mail without obligation.

Our personal service also includes our carefree technology package – our expert service flat rate with emergency hotline offers installation of your coffee machine and includes all journeys, technician hours and spare parts in the event of necessary maintenance.

Thanks to the automatic cleaning system, cleaning our fully automatic coffee machines is easy and can be done in a few simple steps.

In addition, a sales representative will be happy to assist you with any problems on site, anywhere in Germany and Austria.

To finally convince yourself of the advantages for commercial use, your company also has the opportunity to test the coffee machine of your choice for 14 days without obligation and free of charge.

Kontaktiere uns
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CUP&CINO is the only coffee roaster on the market that takes into account all factors on the way to perfect coffee enjoyment: We check and control every step – from the harvest to the cup. Because only when everything comes from a single source can the result be first-class. We take this responsibility not only for our products, but also for the enjoyment success in your company or business.

Individual telephone consultation at: +49 5257 9898-0

Mon-Fri, 08:00 – 17:00

You can order your accessories conveniently at our Online Shop

Due to current developments, it is still unclear which trade shows can take place in the coming weeks and months. We will keep you up to date.
Rent free test on your site for 14 days
We will contact you without obligation with info about the 14-day test. Together we will find the right machine for you.

Fully automatic machine from 6,63 € rent/day

CUP&CINO - BaristaONE Solo CUP&CINO - Getränkevielfalt mit Gastronomie Kaffeemaschinen

Hybrid-Portafilter from 6,63 € rent/day

Contact us
  • Felder mit einem* sind Pflichtfelder

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