Contact CUP&CINO

Contact us, we are looking forward to you

CUP&CINO - Kontakt

CUP&CINO Kaffeesystem-Vertrieb GmbH & Co. KG

Paderborner Straße 33
D- 33161 Hövelhof

Telefon: +49 5257 9898-0
Telefax: +49 5257 9898-98


(Accessories) Please order via our Online Shop


E-mail: info[at]
Online Shop:


Our office is staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How can we help you?

CUP&CINO is the only coffee roaster on the market that takes into account all factors on the way to perfect coffee enjoyment: We check and control every step – from the harvest to the cup. Because only when everything comes from a single source can the result be first-class. We take this responsibility not only for our products, but also for the enjoyment success in your company or business.

Telephone consultation
on +49 5257 9898-0

Mon-Fri, 8:00am – 5:00pm.

You can order your accessories conveniently from our online shop.

Due to current developments, it’s still unclear which trade shows can take place over the next few months. We’ll be sure to keep you posted!

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Möchtest du Businesstipps, wie du dein Kaffeegeschäft steigern kannst?

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